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How Much Does a New HVAC System Cost?

Serving Families Throughout Clackamas
New HVAC unit.

Estimated average costs of a replacement HVAC system can range from $4,820 - $17,000, depending on the kind of work that needs to be completed to replace the system. The national average cost to replace an HVAC system is approximately $9,582, but you'll need to speak with a member of the team installing the system to determine the exact pricing of your model and installation.

What affects the cost of a furnace or air conditioner replacement?

Every furnace or AC replacement has a base cost for the unit, but many factors affect a new furnace or air conditioner's total price.


System efficiency is one of the biggest factors that affect furnace price. Systems with higher efficiency will cost more—however, higher efficiency also means lower energy bills, which results in more significant savings over time. Newer systems are typically more efficient than older systems, so the upfront cost may be greater, but the long-term savings will also increase.

Consider the upfront cost you are willing to spend on efficiency to benefit from long-term energy-saving benefits.


The day your furnace or air conditioner is installed can add different variables for the overall cost of your system. Complications related to the difficulty of the install that could increase the cost include:

  • Location of the system
  • Ductwork modifications
  • Difficulty running the necessary flu and line set

These complications won't cause issues for your system if it's being installed by trained professionals, but expect to pay for the extra work involved.

Rebates and Incentives

When deciding on your system, search online to find any available rebates or tax credits. Federal, state, and private agencies may offer incentives to homeowners who are seeking energy-efficient heating and cooling solutions.


A new furnace or air conditioner may have a variety of warranties available. These may include a heat exchanger warranty, parts warranty, labor warranty even an extended labor warranty. A-TEMP Heating, Cooling & Electrical 's guarantees and 10-year parts and labor warranty set us apart without driving up the price of your system. Contact our team to get more information and start planning for your furnace or AC replacement today!
