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New Year, New Electrical: Four Upgrades to Make in 2021

Serving Families Throughout Clackamas
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If one of your new year’s resolutions this year is to improve your home, then we have some great information that will help you. There are loads of reasons to want to make your living space better—adding new features, improving comfort, saving money, and improving reliability are just a few. If some part of your electrical system is old and worn out, wastes a bunch of energy, or is simply falling behind the times on features and capabilities, then this year may be a great opportunity to replace it. This is especially true if you are working from home full-time and spending far more time in your home as well.

Here are four upgrades you can make to your electrical system this year and how they will improve your life going forward.

Smart Lighting

Smart lighting is a popular upgrade for a variety of reasons. For starters, it can be as large or small of an investment as you would like it to be, as you can do as little as one light fixture or your entire home. Likewise, the fixtures you do upgrade provide you with so much added flexibility that you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it. Smart lights give you the ability to control your lighting remotely with a smart phone app. These lights are generally connected to your home network via Wi-Fi, which in turn connects them to your phone. From there, you can turn them on and off, change the color, dim the lights, and even set timers so the lights will turn on or off when you want them to each and every day. These lights also make use of LED lighting technology, which is one of the most energy-efficient forms of lighting available. Not only do smart lights add flexibility, but they can even save you money by costing far less to run. And they even last longer than a traditional bulb as well!

Ceiling Fans

A ceiling fan may not seem like a “flashy” or “cutting-edge” upgrade, but the amount they can do to improve your home cannot be understated. Ceiling fans give you the ability to make a particular space feel significantly cooler during summer months, allowing you to shut off your energy-sucking air conditioner and instead simply run a small, energy-efficient fan. Studies have shown that a ceiling fan can help a room feel several degrees cooler, and they can even improve your heating by creating more even temperatures during winter months as well!

Ceiling fans come in a wide variety of styles, sizes, and functionalities, and some even have smart features like internet connectivity that let you control the fan using your smartphone. When combined with smart lighting, you can dim the lights, turn a fan on or off, and even adjust speeds and other settings, all without having to keep track of a remote control or constantly remember which of the cords is the right one. If you’re looking for a way to save money on your energy bills this year, have an electrician install a ceiling fan and you should see a notable difference.

Smart Thermostats

Dollar for dollar, there may be no better investment in your energy efficiency than a smart thermostat. Smart thermostats use the power of internet connectivity and real-world input to control your heating and cooling system more efficiently. How efficiently? Some studies have found that a smart thermostat can pay for itself in energy savings in as little as two years. Some smart thermostats offer advanced timing features, including the ability to automatically turn on or off whether or not you are at home. Others offer learning capabilities, and can adjust themselves based on your climate preferences. Others even use real-time weather data to make adjustments and use the weather outside to adjust cooling and heating needs. If you will be working from home for a while or even for the foreseeable future, a smart thermostat can go a long way toward keeping you comfortable each and every day without drawing your attention away from your work.

Improved Lighting

If you have ever been in a home or workplace with poor lighting, you know what kind of an impact it can have on your productivity. Poor lighting slows you down, makes even simple tasks difficult, and generally makes a space uncomfortable. By improving the lighting in your home, you’re not only making your home more comfortable, but more productive as well. If you have a workspace that always feels dark and full of shadows, consider improving your lighting with bright, recessed lighting features installed by a professional electrician. This can not only greatly improve your enjoyment of a space, but it will also make it more functional as well!

Interested in installing these or any other electrical system upgrade this year? Call the professional electricians at A-TEMP Heating, Cooling & Electrical at (503) 694-3396 today!