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Common Myths About HVAC Systems

Serving Families Throughout Clackamas
HVAC professional

Bigger Is Always Better

When it comes to HVAC systems, the adage "bigger is always better" is a common misconception that can lead to inefficiency and increased costs. Many homeowners believe that a larger unit will provide superior cooling and heating, but the truth is that an oversized system can result in frequent cycling, uneven temperatures, and higher energy bills. The key to HVAC efficiency lies in proper sizing, which should be determined by a professional based on the specific needs of your home. Efficiency ratings, such as SEER for cooling and AFUE for heating, are far more indicative of a unit's performance than mere size. It's crucial to select a unit that matches your home's square footage and insulation levels to ensure optimal efficiency and comfort.

Turning Off Systems Saves More Energy

Another widespread belief is that turning off your HVAC system when leaving the house saves more energy than leaving it on. While it might seem logical, this practice can actually lead to higher energy consumption, especially during extreme weather conditions. Instead, the use of programmable thermostats is recommended. These devices can be set to adjust the temperature based on your schedule, maintaining a comfortable environment when you're home and conserving energy when you're away. By using a programmable thermostat, homeowners can enjoy the convenience of pre-set temperature changes that optimize energy usage without the wear and tear caused by completely shutting down and restarting the system.

Air Filters Eliminate All Allergens

Many homeowners operate under the assumption that their standard HVAC air filters are a catch-all solution for allergens. However, while these filters do capture a significant amount of dust and debris, they are not always effective against all allergens. For those particularly concerned about indoor air quality, HEPA filters and air purifiers can be a game-changer. HEPA filters are designed to trap much smaller particles than standard filters, significantly reducing the presence of allergens in the air. Additionally, air purifiers work alongside your HVAC system to further cleanse the air, using various technologies to target and remove microscopic contaminants.

Duct Cleaning Is Unnecessary

The myth that duct cleaning is an unnecessary service has persisted for years, yet evidence suggests that clean ductwork is integral to both HVAC efficiency and health. Over time, ducts can accumulate a variety of contaminants, from dust to mold, which can impede airflow and degrade air quality. Regular duct cleaning can help maintain the performance of your HVAC system, ensuring it runs smoothly and distributes clean air throughout your home. Moreover, for individuals with allergies or respiratory issues, clean ducts can make a significant difference in their comfort and health by reducing potential irritants.

Annual Maintenance Is Unnecessary

One of the most harmful myths is the idea that annual HVAC maintenance isn't necessary if the system appears to be running without issues. This misconception can lead to premature system failure and unexpected repair costs. Regular maintenance by a professional is crucial for the longevity and efficiency of your HVAC system. It allows for the early detection of potential problems, ensuring that small issues don't turn into big, costly ones. Homeowners should prioritize annual check-ups to keep their systems running smoothly, which can also help maintain the manufacturer's warranty and ensure optimal performance year-round.

DIY Repairs Are Just As Good

While DIY projects can be both rewarding and cost-effective for certain home tasks, HVAC repairs should not be among them. The complexity of these systems requires specialized knowledge and tools that most homeowners simply don't possess. Attempting to repair your HVAC system on your own can lead to further damage, voided warranties, and even personal injury. Professional servicing ensures that repairs are done safely and correctly, with technicians who are trained to handle refrigerants and electrical components. For the safety and efficiency of your HVAC system, it's best to leave repairs to the experts.

Ceiling Fans Cool Rooms

It's a common belief that ceiling fans are capable of cooling rooms, but in reality, they only facilitate air circulation. Ceiling fans do not lower the actual temperature; instead, they create a wind-chill effect that can make the room feel cooler by moving air over your skin. When used in conjunction with your HVAC system, ceiling fans can help distribute conditioned air more evenly throughout your home, allowing you to possibly set the thermostat at a higher temperature in summer while still feeling comfortable. This can lead to energy savings as your HVAC system won't have to work as hard to maintain a comfortable environment.

Constant Thermostat Settings Reduce Costs

Another common misunderstanding is that maintaining a constant thermostat setting is the most cost-effective strategy. However, this approach can actually lead to unnecessary energy consumption. Adjusting your thermostat settings according to occupancy and time of day can result in significant energy savings. For instance, setting the thermostat to a lower temperature in winter or a higher temperature in summer when the house is unoccupied can reduce the workload on your HVAC system. Homeowners can benefit from programmable or smart thermostats that make these adjustments automatically, ensuring comfort when at home and energy savings when away.

Smart Thermostats Don't Make a Difference

With the advent of smart home technology, smart thermostats have become a point of contention. Some believe they are merely a high-tech gimmick without real benefits. Contrary to this belief, smart thermostats offer substantial advantages in energy efficiency and HVAC management. They learn your schedule and temperature preferences, making automatic adjustments that optimize energy use. Data shows that smart thermostats can lead to significant savings on heating and cooling bills for many homeowners. Moreover, they provide the convenience of remote access, allowing you to control your HVAC system from anywhere via a smartphone or tablet.

New HVAC Systems Don't Need Maintenance

The final myth to dispel is that new HVAC systems are maintenance-free. Even the most advanced systems require regular check-ups to ensure they are operating at peak efficiency. Modern HVAC units come with sophisticated technology and features that can improve comfort and energy savings, but these benefits can only be sustained through proper maintenance. Homeowners should not overlook the importance of scheduling regular service appointments, even for new installations. This ensures that any warranty remains valid and that the system continues to function effectively for years to come.

A-TEMP Heating, Cooling & Electrical Has the Knowledge You Need

Understanding the realities of HVAC efficiency and maintenance can save you time, and money, and ensure a comfortable home environment. If you're seeking expert HVAC services, look no further than A-TEMP Heating, Cooling & Electrical. Our team of heating and air conditioning professionals is dedicated to providing top-notch service and advice to keep your system running smoothly. Contact us today to schedule a maintenance check-up or to learn more about how we can enhance your home's HVAC efficiency.

Call A-TEMP Heating, Cooling & Electrical now at (503) 694-3396 or send us a message online
