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Your Guide to Spring Cleaning

Serving Families Throughout Clackamas
woman vacuuming

It's that time of year again—springtime! And with spring comes the urge to open up the windows and let some fresh air in. But before you do, it's important to take a few extra steps for optimal home maintenance. In this blog, we will provide an in-depth guide on how to conduct a thorough spring cleaning of your HVAC and electrical systems, among other things.

HVAC Maintenance

Cleaning your HVAC system might not look like cleaning in the traditional sense, but it's still incredibly important. Your HVAC system is one of the most important components of your home when it comes to keeping you comfortable throughout the year. To keep things running smoothly, it's important to perform regular maintenance. During your spring cleaning, be sure to check your air filter and change it if needed. This will help ensure that your HVAC system continues running efficiently. You should also inspect the ductwork for any signs of damage or wear and tear and have it repaired if necessary. Finally, call an HVAC professional if needed to service the unit itself.

Electrical System Maintenance

Your electrical system is another key component of a well-maintained home. Check all outlets and light switches for any signs of wear or corrosion and have them fixed as soon as possible by a qualified electrician. Additionally, be sure that all smoke detectors are functioning properly and replace batteries as needed. Finally, check all cords for any frayed or exposed wiring which can present a fire hazard; if found, replace them immediately with new cords from a reputable brand.

Deep Vacuuming Carpets & Rugs

Finally, deep vacuuming is essential for maintaining carpets and rugs year-round, but especially during spring cleaning season when dust and dirt can accumulate quickly due to seasonal changes in temperature and humidity levels outside. Investing in a quality vacuum cleaner designed specifically for carpets will help you do an even deeper clean than traditional vacuums can provide. Be sure to go over each rug multiple times until no more dirt or debris is visible on the surface level; this ensures that everything has been properly removed from deep within the fibers of the carpet or rug material itself.

Spring cleaning doesn't have to be overwhelming; it just takes being organized and having a plan in place ahead of time so you know exactly what needs tending to first, second, etc. Following these simple steps will help keep your home well-maintained regardless of the season—and especially during those beloved spring months! So take out your supplies today and get started on ensuring that your house remains comfortable, safe, and clean for years to come!

Reach out to our team to learn more about our services through our website or by calling us at A-TEMP Heating, Cooling & Electrical.
