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How to Improve Your Winter Indoor Air Quality

Serving Families Throughout Clackamas
A humidifier adding moisture to the air.

Winter brings colder temperatures and nearly endless reasons to bring family and friends indoors for dinner parties and other celebrations. However, winter indoor air quality leaves many people uncomfortable, even when the company is delightful. Here are five ways to banish dry, poor-quality air from your home this winter.

  1. Use an Air Purifier

You’ve sealed your home against air leaks from top to bottom to create a more energy-efficient home. However, dirty air is now trapped in your house. Turning on an air purifier helps to clean indoor air without completely giving up energy efficiency gains.

  1. Cook on Your Stovetop

Dry air feels cooler than moist air. It also irritates nasal passages and throats. Cooking on your stovetop is a great way to humidify your indoor air while making food and beverages that your guests will love, such as hibiscus tea or vegan chili.

3. Clean Your Air Ducts

Over the years, your HVAC system’s ducts collect dirt, dust, and other grime. While your air filter traps a lot of the larger dust particles, it’s best to get your ducts inspected by a licensed HVAC contractor. If the ducts are dirty, schedule a professional cleaning.

4. Take Your Housekeeping to the Next Level

Dust and dirt enter your home every time you come in from outside. Doing more dusting, sweeping, and vacuuming is a great way to keep your air comfortable throughout winter. This is especially important if you live with a baby or someone who has a compromised immune system.

5. Install a Whole-Home Humidifier

If you love the way the air feels after steaming up a pot of tea on your stovetop, you’ll really enjoy the benefits of a whole-home humidifier. This type of humidifying system helps to prevent dry coughs, itchy skin, and certain asthma symptoms.

Bottom line: At A-TEMP Heating, Cooling, and Electrical, we specialize in creating comfortable, healthy, and safe indoor climates for our Portland customers. Whether you need HVAC repair or want to upgrade your existing system with a whole-house humidifier, give us a call at (503) 694-3396 for a consultation.
