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Four Reasons to Schedule an A/C Tune-Up

Serving Families Throughout Clackamas
TUX waving

Spring hasn’t even rounded the corner just yet, so it might seem a bit premature to start thinking about your air conditioning system. However, when it comes to your heating and cooling system, you always want to be thinking one season ahead. With winter about to give way to the warmer temperatures of spring, now is the time to start putting plans in place for your air conditioning system so it is ready to go when you need it within the next couple of months.

A professional air conditioning tune-up service could make a world of difference for any homeowner, including improving longevity, reducing energy consumption, and greatly reducing the chances of a costly breakdown. Likewise, when the majority of problems occur in the first cycle of the season, having your system tuned up and ready to go when you need it most could save you a lot of trouble.

Here are four reasons why now is the time to start planning for and scheduling an A/C tune-up service over the next several weeks.

It Pays to Be a Step Ahead

As we stated previously, when it comes to heating and cooling, you should always be a step ahead. Or, to be more precise, you should always be one season ahead. During winter, you should be thinking ahead to spring and the process of getting your air conditioner ready. By spring, you should already be ready to go for summer, as you may never know when the weather will decide to crank up the heat.

Get In Before Availability Books Up

Air conditioning contractors and repair companies will typically be extremely busy around the first major heat wave of the season. This is when many people experience difficulty with their air conditioners—when they first bring them back to life and fire them up. When more people need air conditioning repairs, that means contractors will have less availability for maintenance appointments. While you may not necessarily experience a problem in your first cooling cycle of the season, your system will still run with limited efficiency, and that means the time where your system runs before it is properly tuned-up will lead to additional energy consumption and greater out of pocket operating costs.

Be Ready for Sudden Heat Waves

Nobody knows when the first major heatwave of the season will come. In some years, it comes late and the weather remains mild throughout almost the entirety of spring. In other years, the heat can crank upward much earlier in the season than you may have anticipated. That means you’ll have to fire up your air conditioner sooner than you expected. Is your air conditioner ready? By being proactive and having your maintenance completed early in the season, your system will be ready to go when you need it to be, and it’ll be less likely to break down or fall apart.

Identify & Fix Problems Before They Become Emergencies

A thorough inspection and maintenance service allows a professional technician to identify any critical issues before they can create a major problem. When so many issues happen in the first few cycles of the season, having your air conditioner checked will allow you to address these issues and avoid the potential for a complete breakdown. That means no interruption in your cooling system’s operation, no costly urgent repair bills, no sweating through a summer afternoon, and even a longer-lasting air conditioning system that will serve you faithfully for years to come.

Schedule your air conditioning tune-up and maintenance service with the experts at A-TEMP Heating, Cooling & Electrical today! Pick up the phone and call us at (503) 694-3396 and book your appointment now before the urgent rush at the beginning of the season!