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Whole House Fans

Portland Whole House Fans

Beat the Heat with Whole House Fan Installation

Whole house fans are an air conditioning alternative that can cool your home without the high energy costs. A-TEMP Heating, Cooling & Electrical has been installing and servicing whole house fans in Portland and the surrounding area for over 50 years. We are a local, family-owned company known for our exceptional customer service and quality workmanship.

Call (503) 694-3396 or contact us online to schedule whole house fan installation in Portland or the surrounding areas!

How Do Whole House Fans Work?

Whole house fans are installed in the ceiling between the living space and the attic. These fans are designed to draw cool air in from the outside and push it into the attic, while simultaneously exhausting the hot air in the attic to the outside. When the temperature outside is cooler than the inside of your home, the fan can be turned on to pull in the cooler air from the outside and bring it into your home.

While a whole house fan can be used to cool your home anytime the temperature outside is cooler than inside, they are particularly effective in the late evening and early morning when the temperature outside is at its lowest. When the temperature outside starts to rise, the fan is turned off and the windows are closed to keep the cooler air inside. This can cool your home without the use of an air conditioner, which can save energy and reduce your cooling costs.

Advantages of Whole House Fans

There are several advantages to installing a whole house fan. These fans are a great alternative to traditional air conditioning, particularly in areas where the temperature drops at night. In addition to the energy savings, whole house fans can provide several benefits for your home and family.

Whole house fans can:

  • Cool your home more quickly than an air conditioner
  • Improve indoor air quality
  • Remove odors, smoke, and fumes from the home
  • Remove pollutants and allergens
  • Reduce the need for air conditioning
  • Save money on cooling costs
  • Provide a more comfortable living environment

Choosing the Right Whole House Fan 

When you are ready to install a whole house fan, the next step is to choose the right fan for your home. We can help you find the right size fan to cool your home efficiently and keep your energy costs low. In addition to selecting the right size fan, the cooling capacity is an important consideration. The cooling capacity is measured in cubic feet per minute (CFM). A-TEMP Heating, Cooling & Electrical offers whole house fans in Portland that are designed to provide the ideal amount of cooling for your home.

We Offer Whole House Fan Repair & Maintenance

Once your whole house fan is installed, we offer the quality service you need to keep it running smoothly. Our technicians are highly trained and experienced in whole house fan repair and maintenance. We can help you keep your fan in the best possible condition to ensure that it works properly and lasts as long as possible.

If you need whole house fan repair or maintenance in Portland, contact us at (503) 694-3396 to schedule service with a highly trained technician at A-TEMP. 

Serving All Members of Your Family

Family is built into our company name. For over 50 years, our family-owned & operated HVAC business has taken care of our neighbors. We focus on care for our team so they can focus on care for our customers.